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Ladies Auxiliary


The Ladies Auxiliary Branch 129, Haliburton was chartered on February 5, 1945 when 30 ladies were initiated.  The record from those early years were lost in the fires of 1952 and 1963 so a complete list of the charter members is gone.  On the day of the fire in 1952, the ladies were preparing a spaghetti & meatball supper. 

This under conditions that we would not appreciate today.  The building was heated by a wood stove, water had to be carried from a pump outside, members had to bring their own pots, pans, dishes etc.  Not easy, but they made it fun through good companionship.


The next hall was better equipped building.  The members were able to help our Legion Branch grow from their meager beginnings to its present state.  Catering, bazaars, carnivals, bingos and many other activities were the order of the day, and the Auxiliary began to grow.  Again a fire in 1963 destroyed that building. With enthusiasm running high, members rolled up their sleeves and a new building rose, to become the building we are in today.


In 1977, a Wintario Grant was approved and everyone pitched in to help raise the $300,000.00 needed for the expansion.  On November 11, 1978, the new addition was dedicated in conjunction with the Remembrance Day and the 50th Anniversary of the Branch.


Through "thick and thin", "trials and victories", the Auxiliary has an outstanding history, one to be proud of.  We continue to strive to live up to our motto:  "SERVICE-ABOVE SELF-FOR OTHERS"

Come join the Ladies Auxiliary 2023.jpg

Legion Vice President Chris Briggs congratulates Jane Johnston, newly elected President of the Ladies Auxiliary 2024 2025

Ladies Aux President, Jane Johnston.jpg


The Haliburton Ladies Auxiliary gives back to their community 2017

Corinne Bailey (President, Haliburton Legion’s Ladies Auxiliary), Mary Hambly,  Councillor Nancy Woods-Robert, Andrew Wilbee ( Parks & Recreation Manager) ,Elva Timms, Doreen DeGrave, Lynn Childs, Evelyn Browse are standing in front of a pile of sand which is soon to be the home of the new state of the art Skate Park for Haliburton, located behind the Dysart et al municipal offices.


On behalf of the Haliburton Ladies Auxiliary, Corinne Bailey presented a cheque to Nancy Woods-Robert and Andrew Wilbee for $500.00 for the Haliburton Skate Park Fund.  The anticipated cost of the Skate Park will be approximately $175,000.00 and Haliburton is getting closer and closer to this goal.  The youth of Haliburton are getting anxious to see this great addition to our town.

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